A Modern-Day Heist: How Amazon Freezes Funds and Goods

In August 2021, Estonian company Wall Profit OÜ embarked on an e-commerce venture, striking a deal with the retail giant Amazon. This move was intended to be a fresh start, but instead, it turned into a nightmare.

On April 6, 2023, the company received a shocking notification from Amazon: their account had been blocked. This meant that their capabilities on the platform were significantly restricted, and they lost access to crucial customer data and information about the location of their goods and funds.

The blocked funds amount to approximately €350,000, and the estimated value of the blocked goods is around €330,000. However, due to the lack of access to their accounts, the exact sum remains unknown. This has led to serious complications for the company, which has lost the ability to conduct business and serve its customers.

Even after several attempts to resolve the situation with Amazon, the company has not received any response or explanations. It remains unclear why their account was blocked and what prompted this action. Meanwhile, Wall Profit OÜ continues to struggle to regain access and seek compensation for damages, but questions about the future of their business remain unanswered.

For the company and many others that have experienced similar restrictions, this serves as a wake-up call regarding the importance of protecting their rights and interests in the online environment. The freezing of funds and goods totaling €800,000 is not just a technical error or administrative misunderstanding; it is a real heist designed to deprive businesses of the ability to thrive and operate in the market.