A Fight for Justice

WallProfit Press Center

The official press center of WallProfit: key news, legal updates, and stories of battling Amazon’s monopolistic practices.

Press Center

Your source for the latest updates and official statements from WallProfit


A collection of significant articles and analyses about our fight against Amazon.


The freshest news about events and developments surrounding WallProfit and Amazon.

WallProfit Press Center
Press Center

Press Center: Open Invitation for Media Collaboration

Journalists and media professionals are encouraged to reach out to us for official comments and clarifications. Don’t hesitate to contact WallProfit for in-depth insights and updates on our legal battle against Amazon. We are committed to transparency and ready to provide the information you need for your coverage


Your Story Matters: Share and Unite in the Fight

If you’ve found yourself in a similar situation with your Amazon account being blocked, you are not alone. We urge you to reach out and share your story, which we can publish here on our site. Your experience is valuable, and together, we can offer each other support and legal assistance.

By combining our efforts, we can fight against injustice more effectively and protect our rights. Do not stay silent; your story could be the key to change.